As the film gets along, you realize that Vikram Bhatt has made this film for those who are not familiar with Hollywood creature features. And for those who like a bit of comforting `bhoot-pret’ hokum mixed with their blood-thirsty monsters. If you’ve never seen such a combo before, you might get struck in a sequence or two which shows the creature charging at human beings, blood dripping from its fangs. You might want to warn them to flee because the creature is comiiiiiing!
But I’m afraid there may be very few people left who may not have seen an endless run of Spielbergian `chipkali’ films, dubbed in Hindi and other languages to boot, on some TV channel or the other. In which case, ‘Creature’, 3D or no 3D, becomes just another Vikram Bhatt flick, featuring a brave leading lady (Bipasha Basu), a second-wheel leading man (Naqvi), and a ‘professor’ with a theory ( Dev). The only thing missing is a ‘baba’ with a ‘booti’.
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