Writer-director Habib Faisal begins beautifully. We meet Gulrez, played by Parineeti Chopra. She is a gold medallist and basketball champion who can’t find a husband because her father, a clerk two years away from retirement, can’t afford the dowry being demanded by any half-decent groom. Gulu is beautiful, spirited, accomplished and yet her father desperately displays her many medals to potential sons-in-law. Habib perfectly captures the humour and sadness of the situation. Her father, whom she calls Booji (played by Anupam Kher), is bent over with helplessness. Their relationship and the textures of their home, clothes, even tiffin boxes is exactly right.
And then, quite suddenly, the film switches tracks. Gulrez concocts a scheme to avenge herself on these dowry-seeking grooms and fulfill her plans to study in America. Booji reluctantly agrees. Both change names, clothes and cities. The action shifts to Lucknow, where Gulrez meets Tariq, played by Aditya Roy Kapur. Tariq is a master chef and restaurant owner. He failed Class 12 but, armed with attitude and delicious kebabs, melts Gulrez’s hardened heart.
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