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Madras Cafe (2013) Watch Full Movie Online

Madras Cafe movie is an Indian political thriller in which John Abraham plays as an Indian intelligence agent, while Nargis Fakhri as an international reporter. The film also deals with the subject of terrorism.
The movie is set against the backdrop of the assassination of Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. The film has been titled Madras Cafe, as the plot to kill Gandhi was hatched at the cafe. The original location of the cafe is not specified in the film. 

Story in detail:
The film, set in India and Sri Lanka, is a political spy thriller set against backdrop of the Sri Lankan civil war. Vikram Singh (John Abraham) is an Indian Army special officer who is appointed by the intelligence agency Research and Analysis Wing to conduct covert operations in Sri Lanka shortly after Indian Peace Keeping Force was forced to withdraw.

As he journeys to Sri Lanka, with the intention of disrupting a rebel group, he discovers the larger issue. There he meets a British journalist (Jaya) who wants to reveal the truth about the civil war, and in the process he uncovers a conspiracy.

 Madras Cafe (2013) Watch Full Movie Online DVD

 Madras Cafe (2013) Watch Full Movie Online HD

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